• One is referred to as "Traditional"
  • One is referred to as "Alternative"




So-called "traditional medicine" did not begin to exist as we know it before the early 1920's. Also known as "allopathic” medicine, it is adversary based. It "wages war" on bacteria, viruses and misunderstood processes in the body, and sometimes even the body itself. It "fights" all perceived causes of disease, including the body's very own defenses which may be attempting to deal with the influence of negative nutrition-diets, food substitutes, food additives and other chemicals, environmental pollution, toxic environments, attitudes and belief systems. These primary contributors to health challenges, using up and overwhelming the body's resources, have produced arthritis, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other degenerative disorders. Instead of correcting the damaging conditions of negative nutrition and toxic pollution among other things, by replacing them with health-supportive diets and environments, traditional science, technology and the primary orientation of medicine is to counterattack the "enemy" with any of three basic modalities:

1) Pharmaceutical Drugs
2) Surgery
3) Radiation.

Traditional Medicine, as practiced today, is conservatively estimated to kill no less than 200,000 people per year in the United States alone due to drug reactions and Iatrogenic complications. In fact some recent studies indicate it may be higher than 500,000. By example, a recent study on breathing machines indicated 15,000 hospital deaths a year alone because the ventilator settings are set to high, and a study carried out at Cleveland General Hospital suggests that about 5% of all hospital admissions may be iatrogenic. Nearly half of these episodes were felt to be avoidable. (Archives of Internal Medicine 146:1931, October, 1986.

Iatrogenic problems are conditions induced by physician intervention, medical mistakes and accidents, or they are the side effects of prescribed drugs and treatments which are, by their very nature, harmful. Many allopathic doctors are taught or assume that these risks an acceptable component of modern medicine. Thus, surgery seeks to remove the evidence of problems, and man-made chemical drugs manipulate the body's processes, suppressing or killing the causes of symptoms. In fact, symptoms are the body's cry for help, calling attention to an area that needs amending in order to produce health and well being. But the symptom is not the problem. The problem is what caused the body to produce the symptom to call attention to the problem. Instead of attending to what is creating the symptom, Traditional Medicine interprets the body's communications (symptoms) as evidence of the body's failing.

In the case of Cancer, the most widely used strategy is the use of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery or combinations of them, yet none of these address the cause of Cancer. The remaining evidence of their use indicates that all too often the so called "cure" is more harmful than the disease itself. And if the physician does not go alone with the dictates of the system and employs any other strategy, even if it works, the well intentioned physician can loose their medical license, their income and possibly their very freedom. Tomoxifan, the largest selling cancer drug in the world is registered in California under Proposition 65 as a cancer causing chemical known to cause liver cancer, kidney cancer and uterine cancer. Currently Tomoxifan is is being marketed globally as a cancer preventative.

Of course, anyone who has suffered a trauma and sought medical help is grateful to Traditional Medicine, and the impressive miracles of modern technology. But surgery, drugs and radiation do not cure the cause of disease. Only the body can cure. Because the body evolved on natural principles and follows them, it inherently knows how to heal itself when supported in doing so. We only have to look and see what it eventually becomes after beginning as a single cell, to marvel at it's wisdom. The function of surgery, drugs and radiation, however, is to suppress or manage symptoms, described by traditional practitioners as "symptom management." Surgery typically involves high risk, and drugs and radiation by their very nature cause harm, more commonly known as "side effects." In almost all cases, man-made chemicals interfere with the body's natural design function to correct unhealthy or diseased states, overriding the natural design to suppress the communications the body is sending. There are even drugs designed to overcome the body's defense systems built in to protect the brain from dangerous intrusions, manipulating their way past the blood-brain barrier in an effort to impose precisely what the body was designed to oppose in preservation of it's well being.

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If one accepts that the body's design and it's potential for health is a product of nature and nature's design, then Traditional Medicine is Unnatural Medicine. This is the form of medicine that has overwhelmingly dictated medical practices and enlisted the exclusive support of medical insurance companies, the American Medical Association, legislators, government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, special interest groups, and most of society persuaded by an array of marketing techniques that is essentially akin to brain washing. There are ongoing attempts to suppress or eradicate almost all forms of natural healing using intimidation, threats, peer pressure, legislation and by outright brute force. Many a practitioner utilizing means other than "traditional" in their support of healing have found themselves arrested, prosecuted, discredited and barred from practice. Some have had their offices invaded by gun-carrying SWAT teams or federal or state marshals, terrorizing doctors, patients and staff, violating patient privacy and confidentiality, and confiscating the doctor’s entire records of practice. In a free society espousing the best health care system in the world, this is a travesty of epoch proportion and it is legal. In fact, there is currently a growing attempt by multinational pharmaceutical companies to spread their markets by influencing international law through the World Health Organization, the United Nations and the United States Legislative system. The strategies appear as subtle attempts to eventually bring all healing modalities under government control including herbal, vitamin and mineral supplementation categorizing them as prescribed drugs, unfortunately putting them into the domain of the least qualified "health" professionals: licensed medical doctors. In fact, the pharmaceutical drug orientation of Traditional Medicine today so limits the most effective resources available to the physician that the system invites mistakes, abuse and fraud. The ever threatening litigious climate in the United States creates an incentive to suppress the truth regarding the very subject.

Protecting the most profitable and only trillion dollar per year industry on our planet, what we are seeing is a marketing strategy designed to expand and maintain the influence and control of drug companies over the health and well being of the general population of the planet. In the United States we observe a blatant conflict of interest by the Food and Drug Administration in its ongoing attempts to protect the drug industries and their development of new drugs, while at the same time suppressing anything representing a natural approach to addressing the same health problems. While the Food and Drug Administration has a formidable task, it makes one ask just what is the FDA's priority when it comes to peoples health, and what is the priority of the legislators who create laws supporting such endeavors? As it turns out, most of the medical experts in charge of these dangerous impositions, are the least qualified to deal in matters of health. Their very education excludes even minimal inquiry into what makes a person healthy. They specialize almost entirely in disease and its management, and generally speaking, their own state of health is an overwhelming testament to their own lack of expertise. In most cases, their very education has become their greatest limitation to making a difference. Laced with the most covert of superstitions, so called modern medicine in the United States is responsible for almost four times more deaths in one year than the total of all American troop fatalities in the entire 13 years of the Viet Nam war. The questions are; can the profit and survival orientation of this type of medical system afford for people to be healthy and are the people managing this type of system the people we want exercising absolute control over our well being?

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Alternative Medicine is known by many names, but it is distinguished by its attempt to follow natural principles established by nature to deal with problems that arise in the body. It is less interested in finding patentable solutions, and more interested in discovering how nature and health work as an ecology so as to better respond to the individual and their needs. In this endeavor, personal experience, patient feedback and empirical evidence are taken seriously, with science one more advisor to be considered, part of a team effort that includes the patient in their own healing. At its ideal best, it does not separate the wholeness of who patients are, as if their minds, emotions, spirits, bodies and body parts are all not connected. The focus is on a "natural" state of health that includes the health of people's whole being. This brand of healing is also referred to as "wholistic," or "holistic" healing.

Alternative Medicine utilizes physical and nonphysical modalities, and essentially, it tends to be nonadversarial. It relates to the body as a source of intelligence that is the greatest ally in healing. Alternative Medicine is as diverse as nature itself and may involve nutrition, nutrient supplementation, yoga, herbs, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis, acupuncture, ayurveda, massage, energy work, faith healing, lifestyle change, Macrobiotics, Naturopathy, Nutritional, Chiropractic, Oriental and Osteopathic Medicine and many other methods that support people in creating lives more consistent with health, healing and well being.

If one accepts that the body's design and its potential for health comes from the design nature gave it with that potential for health designed in, then Alternative Medicine is actually Natural Medicine.


Today in the United States there are two forms of medicine:
• UNNATURAL ("Traditional" Medicine); and
• NATURAL ("Alternative" Medicine).


There is room for all practitioners to participate and contribute to health, well being and healing. Each area of knowledge and expertise has something of value to offer, and healing potential is expanded by the synergy of all methods joining in a common interest determined to serve a healing purpose. It has a greater effect when people work together, rather than competing. Even if their focus is diverse, their common intention to heal creates a sense of community that is in itself healing. That alignment is consistent with how the body operates, many parts serving the healthful interests of the whole, each doing its share and contributing where its expertise is most valuable and appropriate in achieving the healing success.

One of our goals at Lifestar is to help establish and implement this synergistic relationship between ideas and people.

Come to the edge... he said.
They said we are afraid.
Come to the edge... he said
They came...he pushed, and they flew.

...Guillaume Apollinaire

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