
Used commercially in the form of chlorine dioxide it is a free radical, irritant poison and is used for disinfecting, fumigating and bleaching. As an oxidizer, it is harmful to the human body both inside and out and destabilizes molecules because of its free radical activity. Added to swimming pool water in addition to that already added by the municipal water company, its typical effects are the burning of the eyes and mucous membranes as it destabilizes molecules that make up the cells.

Used commercially in the form of sodium fluoride it is a dangerous free radical, and one of the 100 most toxic substances known to exist. Sodium fluoride has been and is being added to municipal drinking water, toothpaste and is used to treat the teeth of children in an attempt to prevent dental cavities. There have been cases of children being injured or even dying from fluoride poisoning as a result of accidentally swallowing their fluoride treatment while in the dentist chair.

The biologic unit of heredity, self producing and located at a definite position on the particular chromosome.

Gene amplification
The physiological process by which a gene in individual cells, causes the cell to adapt or resist to changes that threatens its well being. Genes amplify at the moment of cellular division and the process is also accomplished by any other part of the gene that also relates to the same threat.

Iatrogenic Illness  
Illness caused by medical treatment. Iatrogenic come from two Greek roots: iatros, meaning physician, and gen, meaning origin or source. Iatrogenic illness is an illness whose source is the medical doctor or physician.

Protein entities thought to be manufactured within the cells that are capable of creating simple to complex chemical reactions without themselves being changed. Some enzymes can process more than two million chemical reactions in less than a minute. Enzymes can also transform some molecules into others creating new molecules. When enzyme levels in organisms fall below certain levels, life ceases. Most metabolic enzymes in organisms including plants are killed at temperatures exceeding 118 degrees Fahrenheit.

Any of a special group of fat and fat like substances typically water-insoluble. Serving as sources of fuel, they are easily stored in the body, and some are important constituents of cell structure, namely linoleic acid (omega 6) and alpha-linoleic acid (omega 3). Referred to as essential fatty acids, the body cannot make these two and relies exclusively on dietary sources. Most omega 3 and 6 available in the diet is extensively damaged from light and or oxygen exposure before being consumed. Almost without exception, most vegetable oils on the market have been extensively processed using solvents and high levels of heat to standardize their odor, taste and extend their shelf life, rendering the oil totally denatured and a major cause of Arteriosclerosis and heart disease.

A dietary substance with proven healthful properties.

Trans-Fatty Acid  
A fatty acid in which the hydrogen atoms on the carbon atoms involved in a double bond are situated on opposite sides of the fatty acid chain. In other words, a fatty acid modified by a man-made method (hydrogenation) of converting it from a molecule capable of maintaining a liquid form at room temperature, to a solid form at room temperature to increase it's shelf life. This process destroys the integrity of the naturally occurring molecule as found in the food chain and makes it harmful to the cells in the body.

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